Our service

The continued growth of industrial and residential areas, the construction of impervious surfaces (paved or cemented) to the detriment of permeable-draining surfaces associated with the increase of the meteorological phenomena’s intensity, causes an high-risk situations both in terms of environmental protection, both for the protection of water courses, sewers and infrastructure.

The critical situation of many rivers, often inadequate to receive the urban and suburban stormwater, as well as sewage systems, often mixed, require accurate choices aimed to control the flow rates and the treatment of stormwater.

The main objectives are the control of flow rate in order to reduce the risk of flooding of the receiving water bodies and other flooding of draining areas, to control the hydraulic disposal of flood peaks during rainfall events and the pollutant’s removal from stormwater.

The interventions regard the whole process of the water flow of the draining surfaces or a part of them, defined as stormwater first flush. In some case, we have to identify the specific treatment, if in the presence of paved surfaces, there will be the risk of leaching of hazardous substances able to cause environmental damages. In any case we have to consider the separation unit of sands and oils minerals after sedimentation and / or accelerated de-oiling systems.

In these cases STA srl offers a wide range of applications with the goal of providing optimal solutions from a point of view technical, operational and economic, STA offers prefabricated unit systems or specifically designed and manufactured for each case.

STA count on a qualified team of engineers and technical staff with years of experience in design, development and project management. STA is able to give preliminary study, the design and construction of:
  • Stormwater treatment plants, for paved road surfaces: The Proposals of STA provide specific units for the separation and treatment of first rain water (S.MET series 1P) or continuous separation unit for sands and mineral oils, we apply the most effective technology as packs/tubulars (S.SEP series PL) or coalescing filters (S.SEP K series). These applications can be combined with filtration treatments, heavy metals removal through ion exchange resins and units specially designed for the treatment of stormwater from road surfaces.
  • Facilities and equipment for storage basin and retention basins: STA uses the most advanced technologies available on the market, the most advanced flushing vacuum systems, in addition to more traditional flushing washdown systems (tanks overturning or clapper cross) or dissipation of energy systems (mixing or pumping with hydro ejector), combined with pumping systems, flow rate control systems and specific floodgate controlled by level measurement systems.

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Copyright © 2024 S.T.A. Società Trattamento Acque SpA. Tutti i diritti riservati.
Via Giordano di Capi, 28-30 - Z.I. Valdaro - 46100 Mantova, Italy
C.F./P.I. 01892840206 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 2.659.838 REA MN 206945

Gruppo Sostelia 2024