STA Società Trattamento Acque S.r.l. is a company that operates
in the sector of management, concession, ordinary and extraordinary
maintenance, design and construction of water purification and waste
disposal plants, waste intermediation, reclamation works.
Within the scope of this activity, STA Società Trattamento Acque
S.r.l. is also responsible for providing technical consultancy to
private individuals, companies or bodies aimed at market surveys and
preliminary studies, feasibility studies also for particular plants,
preparation of tender documents and critical examination of the offers,
development and examination of contracts for works or supplies, testing
of the works and supplies.
Last but not least, STA Società Trattamento Acque S.r.l. also
operates by participating in tenders with total or partial assumption of
responsibility for the execution of the works through independent choice
and coordination of the suppliers.
Ethics in entrepreneurial activity is an approach of fundamental
importance for the good functioning and credibility of the company
toward shareholders, customers and suppliers and, more generally, toward
the entire economic context in which it operates.
With a view to continuous improvement and business growth, the
Shareholders’ Meeting of STA Società Trattamento Acque
S.r.l. approves the Organisation, management and control model pursuant
to Legislative Decree no. 231/01 and establishes a Supervisory Body. In
the context of prevention actions, this “Code of Ethics” has
been prepared, the result of a collaboration with the top management, in
line with what is defined by the Confindustria guidelines and with the
good practices already present in the company.
The resulting Code of Ethics contains a series of principles, such as
the principle of correctness, integrity and transparency of behaviour,
of the way of working and of the conduct of relations, both internally
and with third parties.
STA Società Trattamento Acque S.r.l. (hereinafter, for brevity,
also only “STA S.r.l.”) recognises the principles mentioned
in this Code of Ethics as its own and for this purpose it recalls the
observance of them by all those who contribute to the pursuit of the
corporate goals, thus consolidating its own orientation to ethics and to
the prevention of illicit and irresponsible conduct.
The Code of Ethics, without any doubt, constitutes a guideline in the
economic, social and relational context with particular attention to the
areas of possible commission of crimes (conflict of interest, relations
with the P.A. and local authorities, relations with customers and
suppliers, etc.).
The rules and provisions of the Code of Ethics apply to all those who
work for the company, to the shareholders, to all employees, to the
Administrative Body and extend, as far as they are compatible, to
the recipient third parties, therefore to the suppliers, to the
shareholders, to the consultants and to anyone else who establishes, in
any way, a relationship of collaboration with the Company.
These persons are required to know the content of the Code of Ethics, to
contribute to the implementation and dissemination of the principles
developed in it, promoting their respect also by all those with whom
they maintain business relations (clients, suppliers, consultants,
The rules contained in the Code of Ethics complement the behaviour that
the recipients are required to observe in accordance with the civil and
criminal laws in force in Italy and the obligations foreseen by the
collective bargaining agreements.
All this considered, STA S.r.l. favours the widest dissemination of the
principles and behavioural norms presented in this Code of Ethics and
requires compliance with them by the above recipients.
The recipients of this Code of Ethics who violate the rules contained
herein will be in breach of the trust relationship with the Company and
will be subject to the penalties provided for herein.
The implementation of the Code of Ethics is entrusted to the Chairman of
STA S.r.l., who for this purpose uses the Control Body established
pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 (hereinafter, for brevity,
also only “Supervisory Body” or “SB”).
The Supervisory Body appointed by the Board of Directors of STA S.r.l.
is responsible for the complete observance as well as for the
interpretation of the Code of Ethics. All the recipients of the Code can
request, by means of email to the SB and the top management, any
clarifications or they may report any non-compliance with the
The Code of Ethics has been drawn up to explain the guiding principles
that characterise the activity of STA S.r.l. and to provide to all the
stakeholders precise indications on the models and rules of behaviour to
be followed in the situations in which they operate with and for the
In particular, the Recipients of this Code of Ethics shall comply with
the following guiding principles as far as their competence is
A) Respect of the Law
The company requires its members, directors, employees and
collaborators, as well as anyone who performs, in any way, functions of
representation, even de facto, to comply with the Law, norms and
regulations in force both at the national and international level.
To this end, each recipient undertakes to acquire the necessary
knowledge of the rules applicable to the performance of his/her
functions. All personnel are called upon to cooperate in order to reject
and report any wrongful conduct or conduct that is not in compliance
with the law.
In this regard, the Company proposes not to start any collaboration or
employment relationship with those who do not respect or violate this
B) Honesty, fairness, impartiality
Honesty is the fundamental principle for all the activities of STA
S.r.l., for its initiatives, its accounting, its communications and it
is an essential element of the management and operation of its human
resources. Relations with stakeholders are based on criteria and
behaviour of correctness, collaboration, fairness and mutual
The recipients of this Code of Ethics shall treat customers,
shareholders, employees, suppliers, the surrounding community and
institutions that represent them, as well as any third parties with whom
they come into contact for professional reasons, with fairness,
impartiality and without prejudice.
It is emphasised that the absence of this correctness of action may
compromise the integrity and reputation of the Company and
non-compliance may cause the termination of the employment relationship
with the recipient.
C) Fair competition on the market
The company requires its members, directors, employees and
collaborators, as well as anyone who performs, in any way, functions of
representation, even de facto, to comply with the regulations in force
on fair competition. Competing fairly in the market with competitors is
one of the essential principles that STA S.r.l. is inspired by.
To this end, the company is opposed to any action aimed at altering the
conditions of fair competition, prohibiting such practice from any
person acting for it.
D) Impartiality and respect for equal
STA S.r.l., in all decisions and activities that affect relations with
its stakeholders and the selection and management of the beneficiaries
of its activity, must avoid any discrimination on the basis of: age,
gender, sexual preference, health conditions, race, nationality,
language, political opinions and religious beliefs.
E) Workplace safety and protection of human
STA S.r.l. promotes respect for the physical and cultural integrity of
the person and the dimension of relationships with others.
Human resources are recognised as a fundamental and indispensable factor
for the development of the company, and for these reasons it protects
growth and professional development in order to increase the wealth of
knowledge possessed in compliance with the existing legislation on the
rights of individual persons, with particular regard to the moral and
physical integrity of the personnel.
The physical integrity of the staff is at the centre of the
Company’s attention, which ensures adequate working conditions and
safe and healthy working environments, guarantees working conditions
respectful of individual dignity and applies to its employees the
legislation and the employment contracts in force, it is committed to
ensuring and respecting the principle of equal pay.
The company shall define the most appropriate measures to protect the
health and safety of workers, in full compliance with the legislation in
force on the prevention of workplace accidents and the protection of
workers. In addition, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 81/08
STA Società S.r.l. undertakes to adopt and periodically update
all the measures provided for by law (Risk assessment document,
training, informing and instruction of the personnel, assignments and
promotions, etc.).
F) Protection of the environment, safety and sustainable
The environment is a primary asset that STA S.r.l. safeguards in respect
of the principles of sustainable development and its applicable
legislation. To this end, the company plans its activities by seeking a
continuous balance between economic initiatives and social and
environmental needs, monitoring and, where appropriate, minimising the
potentially harmful effects of its activities on the environment.
In particular, the company operates with respect for the safeguarding
and protection of the environment, committing itself to complying with
national rules on the protection of the environment, and committing
itself to ensuring the correct disposal of the waste
G) Privacy and confidentiality
STA S.r.l. ensures the respect of privacy and the confidentiality of the
information in its possession, not searching for confidential data
except by express and conscious authorisation. In the same way, all the
recipients of the Code of Ethics are required to respect the above
ethical principles, using confidential information only for purposes
connected with the carrying out of their activities.
The Recipients of this Code of Ethics must maintain the confidentiality
of information regarding the Company, its know-how, employees, customers
and suppliers. Furthermore, all actions carried out and the behaviour
held by employees and collaborators in the carrying out of their duties,
must ensure the maximum confidentiality on news and information related
to the activity of STA S.r.l.
H) Conflict of interest
STA S.r.l. does not allow the Recipients of the Code of Ethics to be
involved in relations that can lead to a clear conflict of interest,
including those brought about by actions implemented:
by employees and collaborators that lead them to pursue an interest
other than the company’s mission or that bring about personal
benefit by their implementation;
by representatives of customers, suppliers and public administrations
who lead them to act in contravention of the trust duties connected to
their position.
To this end, the Recipients of this Code of Ethics must avoid and, in
any event, declare in advance, any conflicts of interest with the
Company, which will assess its existence on the basis of the current
regulations and on the basis of good business practices, taking into
account also any professional, family and administrative
The Supervisory Body is responsible for verifying that there are no
conflicts of interest.
I) Protection of the company assets
Each Recipient of the Code of Ethics must protect and respect the
company assets, including the use of the equipment provided for the
carrying out of their activities. In particular, each Recipient must use
the intellectual and material property of the company in respect of
their intended use and in order to protect its preservation and
L) Correctness in company management and in the use of
STA S.r.l. pursues its company purpose in compliance with the law, the
Statute and the company regulations, ensuring the correct functioning of
the company organs, the protection of the capital and participatory
rights of its shareholders, safeguarding the integrity of the share
capital and of the assets.
M) Correctness in relations with local authorities and public
STA S.r.l. pursues the objective of maximum integrity and correctness in
relations, including contractual relations, with public institutions,
local authorities and in general, with the Public Administration.
Among the objectives that the Code of Ethics seeks to pursue, there is
the intention to illustrate and list the rules of behaviour that all the
persons who are Recipients of the Code are obliged to comply with and
follow during the course of carrying out their activities.
The company’s top management and the roles provided for in the
Statute are subject to full compliance with the rules laid down in the
Statute itself, by the national, European and international legislation
in force, as well as by the company’s regulations and
All actions and operations of the company must have an adequate record
to allow the verification of the decision, authorisation and execution
process by means of the detection of each operation on appropriate
documentary medium accessible at any time for the purposes of control.
In particular, for each transaction, the characteristics and reasons
must be established, as well as the person who authorised, carried out,
registered and verified it.
A) Customer/Contractor relations
The attitude that the company STA S.r.l. must have toward customers and
contractors is based on availability, respect and courtesy, with a view
to a cooperative and highly professional relationship. In particular,
the Company directs its activity to the satisfaction and protection of
its customers, paying attention to any requests they may make that can
improve the quality of the services offered.
The Company operates through the provision of quality services, to which
it directs its research and development activities, in compliance with
all the rules in force to protect fair competition.
To this end, the Recipients of this Code of Ethics must:
- provide, with efficiency, courtesy and timeliness, within the
limits of contractual forecasts, services and products of high
quality, that satisfy the reasonable expectations and needs of
the customer;
- provide, where necessary and in the manner and in the forms
foreseen by the Company policies, accurate and exhaustive
information about the products and services provided by STA
S.r.l., so that the customer can make informed decisions. In
particular, the Recipients are required to give complete and
understandable information to the customers, in application of
the regulations in force and in line with their Environment -
Safety Quality Management System (ESQMS), certified according to
ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 by an accredited Body;
- satisfy customer expectations in terms of honesty, transparency
and compliance with law and contractual agreements;
- observe truth in information, advertising or other
communications, and, in particular, in commercial activities.
In case of participation in calls to tender, the company carefully
evaluates the adequacy and feasibility of the requested services, with
particular regard to the technical and economic conditions, and also
promptly detects, where possible, any anomalies. The wording of the
offer will be such as to allow the compliance with adequate quality
standards, adequate pay levels for employees, and of the safety and
environmental measures in force.
The company will appeal to any dispute only if its legitimate claims are
not satisfied by the interlocutor.
In conducting any business deals or negotiations, situations where the
parties involved in the transaction are or may appear to be in conflict
of interest should always be avoided.
Finally, STA S.r.l. undertakes to give the maximum dissemination of this
Code of Ethics, facilitating the knowledge of the customers/contractors
and the communication as well as the discussion on the issues that are
subject to it.
B) Relationships with suppliers
STA S.r.l., in establishing cooperation and working relationships with
suppliers, contractors, subcontractors and external consultants, asks
them to comply with the principles and rules of conduct set out in this
Code of Ethics and in the laws in force in Italy.
To this end, the Company will choose its suppliers through transparent
and non-discriminatory procedures in accordance with its own
Organisation, management and control model, stipulating clear and
transparent contracts and ensuring fairness and compliance with the
contractual commitments entered into.
In particular, the Company will select its suppliers and determine the
conditions of purchase on the basis of an objective assessment of the
quality, price of the goods and services offered, as well as the ability
to provide goods and services of a level suitable to the requirements of
STA S.r.l.
Suppliers of machinery and equipment will also be selected in view of
the compliance of the supplies with the regulations on safety,
occupational hygiene and environmental protection. The supply of
personal protective equipment and, in general, of safety and prevention
equipment, will comply with the relevant legislation.
In no case will one supplier be preferred to another because of personal
relationships, favouritism or other advantages other than those of the
exclusive interest and benefit of the Company.
Violation of the principles set out in this Code of Ethics constitutes a
breach of contract.
C) Relationships with employees/collaborators
STA S.r.l. Promotes the value of human resources and protects the
dignity and moral and physical integrity of every employee and
collaborator, not tolerating requests or threats to induce people to act
against the law and/or in violation of this Code of Ethics. The Company
also does not tolerate acts of psychological violence and/or
discriminatory or damaging behaviour.
Obligations of the Company
By virtue of the above, the Company undertakes to engage in and
establish employment relationships with employees and collaborators in
full compliance with the applicable labour law, by paying and organising
employees on the basis of criteria of merit and competence, objectivity
and reasonableness. Recruitment will take place with job interviews
based on meritocracy and on the effective correspondence of the required
and possessed skills. To this end, the Company undertakes:
- to hire with a regular employment contract, not allowing any
form of illegal contract;
- not to employ workers under the legal age or foreign workers
without a residence permit or with an expired residence permit;
- to base relations with its employees and internal and external
collaborators on dignity and respect;
- to respect the right of workers to associate freely and to
contract collectively;
- to offer equal opportunities to all employees by virtue of their
qualifications and professional skills, without discrimination
of sex, race, religion, political beliefs or trade union
- to ensure that its employees have an appropriate working
environment from the point of view of the personal safety and
health of each and in which mutual collaboration and team spirit
are encouraged, while respecting the personality and moral
dignity of each person;
- to ensure a working environment free of prejudice, intimidation,
unlawful conditioning or undue inconvenience.
Personnel policies are made available through corporate communication
tools, in accordance with the company’s ESQMS.
Obligations of the personnel
Employees/Collaborators must act fairly in order to comply with the
contractual obligations and this Code of Ethics that each person is
required to know, by implementing all necessary measures to prevent and
avoid the commission of unlawful acts.
Employees/Collaborators are also required to know and implement what is
required by company policies on information security and to ensure its
integrity, to work diligently in order to protect company assets, using
them sparingly and scrupulously, in accordance with their intended use
and in order to protect their preservation and functionality.
Personnel must comply with the rules for the protection of workplace
health and safety and for the protection of the environment. In
particular, concerning occupational health and safety, personnel must:
- take care of their own health and safety and that of other
persons present at the workplace, to which the effects of their
actions or omissions fall, in accordance with the training,
instructions and means provided by the employer;
- contribute to the fulfilment of the obligations laid down for
the protection of workplace health and safety;
- observe company regulations and instructions for collective and
individual protection;
- correctly use the work equipment and safety devices;
- immediately report to the employer, to the Head of the
Prevention and Protection Service or to the workers’
Safety Representative the deficiencies of the above means and
devices and any dangerous situations which he or she becomes
aware of by taking action, in cases of urgency and in relation
to his or her powers to eliminate or reduce situations of
serious or impending danger;
- not remove warning and control devices without authorisation;
- not carry out operations or manoeuvres on one’s own
initiative which are not within one’s own personal
competence or which could compromise his or her safety or the
safety of other workers;
- participate in training and vocational instruction programmes
organised by the company;
- undergo the health checks provided for in the legislation in
force or in any case arranged by the company physician.
All persons operating in the name and on behalf of the Company and who
have an interest currently or potentially in conflict with that of the
Company must report its existence to the relevant business function. In
any case, the latter must inform the SB and also indicate any actions
taken in this regard.
D) Dealings with competition
The Company believes in free and fair competition and aligns its actions
with the achievement of competitive results that reward capacity,
experience and efficiency. To this end, the Company and all its
employees/collaborators must have proper business conduct and relations
with the Public Administration.
Any action to alter the conditions of fair competition is prohibited for
any person acting in the name and on behalf of the company. In no case
may the pursuit of the interest by the Company justify the conduct of
the company’s top management and or of the employees/collaborators
of the Company that does not respect the laws in force and this Code of
E) Media relations and institutional relations
STA S.r.l. undertakes to manage its external communication following the
principles of correctness, transparency and truthfulness. Information to
the media must be accurate, coordinated and consistent with company
principles and policies, and must respect laws, rules and practices of
professional conduct.
Disclosure of false news is prohibited. The disclosure of information
concerning the company and its activities must be truthful, clear and
The relations with the press and the media of communication and
information are held only by the persons expressly delegated to it as
identified in the Organisation, management and control model and are
based on the protection of the company’s image.
It is forbidden for internal and external employees and collaborators to
issue notices without the authorisation of the Company.
F) Relations with the Public Administration and Local
STA S.r.l. is committed to the maximum transparency, correctness and
legality in maintaining relations with the Public Administration
(hereafter for brevity also only “P.A.”) and the Local
Authorities with which it operates for the carrying out of its
To this end, as far as possible, the company will avoid being
represented in its relations with the P.A. by a single natural person,
on the assumption that the plurality of persons makes it possible to
minimise the risk of having interpersonal relationships inconsistent
with the will of the Company and, in the event that this is not
possible, the traceability of the relationship will still be
STA S.r.l., in the course of business negotiations, requests or
commercial relations with the P.A. prohibits the recipients of this Code
of Ethics from:
- adopting conduct that may bring any undue benefit or advantage
to the Company through the omission, alteration or falsification
of information;
- conduct that incorrectly influences, directly or indirectly, the
decision of the counterpart, or to pay and offer, directly
and/or indirectly, payments or material benefits to public
employees and officials in order to influence an act of their
office to gain an advantage;
- adopting any conduct contrary to the law;
- examining or proposing employment and/or commercial
opportunities that may benefit P.A. employees on a personal
basis, or soliciting or obtaining confidential information that
may compromise the integrity and reputation of both parties;
- granting any kind of benefit to public employees or officials.
The above also applies to third parties or consultants of which the
Company uses to be represented in its dealings with the P.A. In the
choice of these persons the Company will favour criteria of
professionalism, competence and correctness, excluding anyone who has
organic or employment relationships with the P.A., also indirectly
through intermediaries or close family relationship.
During the carrying out of the business relations with the P.A. the
Company shall respect the provisions of the contract, by arranging
appropriate control and safeguard mechanisms and making use only of the
collaboration of competent and appropriate persons.
Lastly, the Company does not disburse contributions, advantages or other
benefits to political parties and labour unions, or to their
representatives except in accordance with applicable law.
G) Gifts, complimentary items and benefits
In business relations with consultants, customers and suppliers,
payments, benefits (both direct and indirect), gifts, acts of courtesy
and hospitality, are prohibited unless they are of a nature and value
such as not to compromise the Company’s image and so that they
cannot be interpreted as aimed at obtaining preferential treatment that
is not determined by rules of the market.
In this context, gifts must be documented in such a way as to permit
appropriate verification and must be authorised by the function manager
and reported to the SB.
In any event, any form of gift to Italian and foreign public officials,
or their families, which may influence the independence of judgement or
induce them to provide any advantage, is strictly prohibited. This
applies both to promised or offered gifts and to gifts received, with
gift being understood as any kind of benefit (promise of a job offer,
Recipients of this Code of Ethics who receive gifts or favourable
treatments from customers or suppliers that transcend ordinary courtesy
relationships, or any gift from officials of the P.A., must immediately
notify the SB and the hierarchical superior. The latter will give
immediate notice to the specific bodies and/or to the competent
corporate function which, after the preliminary checks, will take the
appropriate measures.
A) Health and safety
STA S.r.l. guarantees the physical and moral integrity of its employees
and collaborators by means of working conditions respectful of
individual dignity and safe and healthy working environments, in full
compliance with the legislation in force regarding the prevention of
workplace accidents and the protection of workers.
- To this end, the company undertakes to:
- avoid risks;
- assess avoidable risks;
- fight risks at the source;
- adapt the work to the person, with regard to the conception of
jobs and the choice of equipment and methods of work and
production, in order to reduce monotonous and repetitive work
and to reduce the effects of such work on health;
- take into account the degree of technical evolution;
- replace what is dangerous with what is not, or is less
- plan prevention, aiming at a coherent complex integrating in
itself the technology, organisation, working conditions, social
relations and the influence of the factors of the working
environment, as well as giving priority to collective protection
measures over individual protection measures;
- to spread and consolidate among all its employees/collaborators
a culture of safety also by means of appropriate instructions,
to develop awareness of risks and responsible behaviour;
Recipients of this Code of Ethics must contribute to the process of risk
prevention and health and safety protection for themselves and all third
parties with whom they come into contact, without prejudice to
individual responsibilities under applicable legal provisions.
Recipients of this Code of Ethics are also required to maintain a
climate of mutual respect for the dignity and reputation of every
Everyone, while carrying out company activities, is prohibited from
using alcohol or drugs and smoking in the workplace in accordance with
current legislation and where smoking could endanger the company’s
assets or colleagues or third parties in the company.
B) Environmental protection
STA S.r.l. is committed to safeguarding the environment and, in the
perspective of sustainable development, plans its activities seeking a
balance between economic initiatives and environmental requirements,
observing strict compliance with every law applicable in the field and
lending the maximum cooperation to the public authorities responsible
for verification, monitoring and environmental protection.
Recipients of this Code of Ethics must contribute to the protection of
the environment, taking great care to avoid any discharge and/or illegal
emission of harmful materials, treating the waste or scraps of
processing in accordance with the specific requirements.
In entrusting design works to third parties, the company will carry out
appropriate checks on the possible environmental risks arising from the
intervention and to prevent any damage. For this purpose STA S.r.l. has
been certified according to ISO 14001.
Any information and other material for which the Recipients of this Code
of Ethics are aware or in possession for professional reasons are
strictly confidential and exclusively owned by STA S.r.l.
Information is understood as any news or data that concerns present and
future activities of the company, even if not yet disseminated and/or of
forthcoming disclosure.
This is confidential information, of which the Company guarantees the
confidentiality in the processing by providing itself with appropriate
organisational measures, also the information relating to customers and
to all those who relate to STA S.r.l. in any way.
Recipients of this Code of Ethics are prohibited from disclosing, using
and communicating all information and/or any other kind of news,
documents or data that are not in the public domain and are connected
with the acts and operations of each task and responsibility, for
purposes other than those for which communication is permitted and
without specific authorisation.
The processing of confidential information is managed by the company in
accordance with the regulations in force pursuant to Regulation 2016/679
– GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
The Company recognises that computerised resources are a fundamental
tool for the company’s smooth and competitive operation, since
they ensure the efficiency of the information flows necessary for the
efficient management and control of the company’s activity.
Any information contained in the company's information systems is
the property of STA S.r.l., including the contents of emails. These
systems must be used exclusively for the business activities, in the
manner and within the limits of the company.
In order to guarantee the respect of the law in force on the subject of
individual privacy, the Company pursues a correct use of the IT tools,
avoiding any use that has as its purposes the collection, storage and
diffusion of data and information for purposes other than those of the
The use of IT tools is subject to monitoring and verification by STA
The use of IT tools is managed by the Company in accordance with the
regulations in force pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 – GDPR
(General Data Protection Regulation).
The company shall ensure maximum accounting transparency with respect to
the shareholders, third parties and external bodies in charge of this,
in order to avoid false, misleading or fraudulent claims and to this
end, it shall accurately and fully record all business activities and
The accounting and administrative activity of the Company is carried out
with the use of IT tools and procedures in continuous updating. These
tools guarantee their efficiency, correctness, completeness and
compliance with accounting standards. They also facilitate the necessary
checks on the legitimacy, consistency and congruency of the
decision-making, authorisation and conduct of the Company's actions
and operations.
STA S.r.l. pursues corporate conduct based on the formal and substantial
compliance with rules of law, protecting the free determination of the
shareholders and maintaining a transparent and reliable conduct also
toward creditors, pursuing the integrity of the share capital and of the
non-distributable reserves and collaborating with the competent
Recipients of this Code of Ethics are required to avoid all situations
and activities in which a personal conflict with the interests of the
Company may arise even potentially or which may interfere with their
ability to assume, in an impartial manner, decisions in the best
interests of the company and in full compliance with the rules of the
Code of Ethics.
A situation of conflict of interest exists when, during the work
activities, judgement and objectivity are threatened by personal
interests or in any case, those connected to related persons.
STA S.r.l. personnel must therefore not overlap or intersect the
company’s duties and roles with economic activities and personal
and/or family interests.
In the event of a situation of even potential conflict of interest, the
persons involved are required to refrain from acting and to give timely
notice to their direct hierarchical superior, or to the Supervisory Body
which assesses, on a case-by-case basis, their actual presence and
One may not pursue his or her own interests to the detriment of the
company’s interests, make unauthorised personal use of the
company’s assets, or hold interests directly or indirectly in
competing companies, customers, suppliers or persons who audit the
accounts, unless one has previously notified the SB and has obtained
express permission of the Shareholders.
This Code of Ethics is brought to the knowledge of all interested
parties inside and outside the Company through special information and
training activities, also through the company’s Intranet.
STA S.r.l. prepares and implements a periodic plan for dissemination,
information and training activities aimed at spreading knowledge of the
ethical principles and norms of behaviour provided for by the Code of
In particular, STA S.r.l., in the perspective of planning and management
of the company activities aimed at efficiency, correctness, transparency
and quality, adopts and implements organisation, management and control
models which provide for appropriate measures to ensure the carrying out
of corporate activities in accordance with the law and this Code of
Ethics, as well as acts to discover, prevent and eliminate risk
situations, by foreseeing and punishing unlawful conduct and/or conduct
that is contrary to this Code of Ethics of all persons acting for the
company itself.
To this end, consistent with the organisational complexity of the
company, STA S.r.l. adopts a system of delegation of functions and
powers, providing in explicit and specific terms the assignment of tasks
to persons with suitable capacity and competence.
The application of this Code of Ethics is entrusted to the Chairman, who
for this purpose makes use of the SB.
In this capacity, the Chairman shall be entrusted with the following
- ensuring compliance with the Code of Ethics and its
dissemination to all Recipients;
- verifying any news of violation of this Code of Ethics and
informing the competent organs and business functions of the
results of the checks relating to the adoption of any sanctions;
- proposing amendments to the content of this code in order to
adapt it to the changing corporate context and to the evolution
of the company itself.
Cases of violation of laws and/or company rules or of this Code of
Ethics must be promptly reported in writing, in a confidential form, to
the immediate superior, who will then promptly inform the Supervisory
Body in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. If the
deficiencies to be reported concern the direct superior, the employee
shall direct the above-mentioned report to the hierarchical superior
functions, which shall promptly inform the Supervisory Body in
accordance with Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. For this purpose, a
dedicated email address odv@stacque.com is made available.
The procedures for reporting and verifying violations are based on
criteria of confidentiality and protection of privacy, in order to
prevent retaliation of any kind against the complainant.
Cases of violation of laws and/or company rules or of this Code of
Ethics must be promptly reported in writing, in a nominative form, to
one’s superiors, who will then promptly inform the Supervisory
The reports will be fully verified and, in the event of an ascertained
breach, appropriate sanctions will be applied.
It is the commitment of STA S.r.l. to ensure that no one can be subject
to retaliation of any kind for having provided information of possible
violations of the Code or of the reference norms.
The violation of the provisions of this Code of Ethics shall constitute
a disciplinary offence or non-compliance with the contractual
obligations of the employment relationship or functional relationship or
that of professional collaboration, with every consequent effect of law
and contract, also according to art. 2104 and 2105 of the Italian Civil
It will also give the company the right to apply the disciplinary
penalties provided for by the applicable National Collective Labour
Contracts currently in force.
For Recipients who are not employees of the company, compliance with the
Code is a prerequisite for the continuation of the existing professional
or collaboration relationship. If the violation of the rules is done by
an external contractor, supplier or consultant, the termination of the
contract with possible claim for compensation for damages obtained shall
be applied as the penalty.
The updating of the Code of Ethics and of the Organisation, management
and control model is necessary if the following situations occur and it
is approved by the Shareholders:
- legislative update
- significant changes in the organisational structure of STA
- possible violations of the norms and/or negative results of the
checks carried out by the SB on the effectiveness of the Code of
Ethics and/or Model.
This Code of Ethics shall enter into force on the date of approval by
the Shareholders’ Meeting and shall be implemented together with
the Organisation, management and control model established pursuant to
Legislative Decree no. 231/01 approved at the same meeting. It is
disseminated in accordance with the Model itself.